Thursday, April 5, 2012

Michael Jordan, Bobcats Eyeing Griner with #1 Draft Pick

Charlotte, North Carolina- As the NBA season begins its descent into the playoffs, the current 7-45 Charlotte Bobcats look to be a lock for the #1 pick in the upcoming draft. Majority owner and General Manager Michael Jordan says the team is currently evaluating multiple players to potentially draft with the number 1 pick. According to Jordan, emerging as the favorite is Baylor center Brittney Griner. Says Jordan of Griner, "Her mustache reminds me of Adam Morrison, and I like that". Jordan's success as an NBA executive has been highlighted by top draft picks like Kwame Brown and Adam Morrison in recent seasons. "Griner is like a mix between Kwame and Morrison, so we can't really go wrong here" added Jordan. When asked about the prospect of teaming up with Griner in the paint next season, Bobcats center BJ Mullins replied, "I'm excited, her (Griner's) mustache is so much cooler than mine i'm hoping she can teach me a thing or two". Bobcats head coach Paul Silas also added, "The two of them (Griner and Mullins) are so ugly its sure to scare some opposing players away from the paint." Bobcat fans around the world can finally be excited about something to cheer for in this upcoming season.

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