Thursday, April 12, 2012

Boston Red Sox to lift beer ban in clubhouse after 1-5 start

After the historic collapse of last season and subsequent missing of the playoffs, the Boston Red Sox cleaned house in the off season by replacing GM Theo Epstein with Ben Cherington and manager Terry Francona with Bobby Valentine. One of Valentine's first moves as manager was to ban the consumption of beer during games, a practice that was apparently common among starting pitchers in the 2011 season. When asked for his reaction to Valentine's beer ban during spring training, starting pitcher Jon Lester replied, "O Come on! A rally beer never hurt nobody". Apparently, it is the lack of rally beers that is actually hurting the once mighty Boston Red Sox. After a dismal 1-5 start to the 2012 season, Valentine has agreed to allow beer in the clubhouse once again. "Who knew professional baseball players were borderline alcoholics, cough cough Josh Hamilton cough cough" said Valentine. Valentine has said the only beer that will be consumed in the clubhouse will be Coors Original because, "It's my favorite". Valentine also said rookie beer bongs will continue to be used during the 6th inning as it is customary tradition and part of rookie hazing.

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